the easiest way into the world of music.
Just imagine a musical instrument that you don't have to learn. Every Pulsar has a sequence of notes that are harmonized. You don't have to worry about playing the correct notes, whether you're using it for playing at home, meditation, sound healing, a yoga class, or a professional scene.
Easy choice
We have 12 popular sound models in our shop. The Virtual Pulsar is built into each product card, so you can listen to all models without leaving the page.
Something that others can't
Create your own unique Pulsar with our specially designed sound model editor. Artificial intelligence will analyze your sound model and allow you to add notes automatically while preserving the mood and harmony. Edit a comprehensive list of standard scales, manually add notes, transpose, and much more.
The instrument's body is crafted from structural steel through hydroforming, and the notes are cut by hand. The acrylic coating protects the steel from corrosion and makes caring for the instrument easier.
Expand your sound palette
Write to us, and we will help you find a complementary instrument to the one you already have. Expand the scale range or create an alternate mood instrument in the same key.